Friday, March 22, 2013

Free Image Search with Google

It's become habit for many of us to turn to Google when searching for content or researching a topic of interest.  Our habits extend to our students, so often times we encourage students to use Google.  Although there are several other options which I'll address in future posts, I want to write about how to search Google images for "Free to use and share" pictures.

I tend to go to Google images and do an initial search first.  After the initial search, find the gear button, for settings, and click into Advanced Search.  Below is my initial search on Whales.

Scroll to the bottom and find Usage Rights. The default is "not filtered by license" and change it to "free to use or share".

Then click the Advanced Search button.

When you continue to search, be sure you see LABELED FOR REUSE.

Look for future posts on other options, such as using Flickr, Pic4learning, and other sites.  Though the best resource is and will always be if you take your own pictures.